As an active girls or sportswoman, getting joint-related injuries is very common. Even less sports active people get them. When you’re injured, simple daily routines like walking down the street, sitting down and getting up can be a real pain. It’ll certainly take a big chunk of joy out of your everyday life. Chances are, these injuries are recurrent, and further complications occur if left unattended and untreated. Fact is, painful and achy joints should be dealt with, and the sooner the better. What are joint related injuries?The most common joint related injuries suffered by sportsmen and active men are at the knees, elbows and ankles. Swelling may be invisible but pain will present. This inflammation is normally caused by overworked joints from repetitive movements.How to treat it?The most common and effective way to reduce the swelling is to apply the R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation) treatment as soon as possible.
Resting the overworked joint is a must to prevent further damage, and ice will help subside the inflammation. Resting doesn’t mean not using the joint at all, you just have to be more controlled in your movements.Compression is very important to support the injured joint and to prevent further damage. It also helps you in faster healing. Last but not least, elevating the joint will prevent unnecessary pressure on the injury.
How does compression help?Compression provided by sport braces support the joints which are held together by our muscle tissues. The compression given by these braces also creates heat to the injured joint and this will cause more blood to focus on the affected spot to encourage faster healing. Post-healing compressionEven after your joint injury is healed, there’s a good chance for a recurrence as your joint is now weakened. It’s a good idea to continue applying compression when you’re back to your active sports again. You’ll get better joint support when aiming for peak performance.Materials used in sport braces. At the moment, the most common material used in sport braces is Neoprene.
This material is known for its stretching capabilities, thus minimising the resistance from the joint when it is applied. But it is not very breathable material, making it very uncomfortable for those sweaty situations during a game. This will create friction and reduce the mobility of the joint significantly. Those of you with sensitive skin may even get rashes. It’s worth your while to get better quality sports braces that are stretchable and breathable. This will only ensure your joints are well stabilised and kept dry and warm for better comfort and peak performance. If the problem persists, (sometimes when the injury becomes too severe) you might have to seek medical help or even go for surgery to rectify the problem. After a surgery, it will normally take months to recuperate and recover. Since it can be easily damaged again, it’s best to use braces all the time during sports to prevent injuries from recurring. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So brace yourself.
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My Favourite Chef in South East Asia
9 years ago
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